Five by Friday: Top Five Gilmore Girls Moments

To cap off our week of Gilmore Girls deep-diving, our Five by Friday this week is Gilmore themed as well! All three of us were huge fans of the show when it originally aired, and while our feelings on the revival are mixed, we still have a lot (a lot) to say about these characters overall. It’s how we show our love. Below, we’ve listed our favorite moments spanning the entirety of the series. Let us know yours in the comments!

Five by Friday

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I realized something about myself in the making of this list, and that is that while I love Gilmore Girls, I never watched it for the central relationship between Lorelai and Rory. Maybe I should’ve realized this ten years ago, but it took until I was compiling a list of “favorite moments” to discover that no Rory and Lorelai moments were even contenders. And while I deeply love many of the secondary characters — Sookie, Michel, Paris, Lane — when you break it down into individual moments, theirs weren’t the ones that stuck with me. My favorites (except for my top pick, which is just in its own category) are all moments that tugged at my heartstrings and delivered on an emotional promise that had been set up earlier in the series.

Also, I would like to state for the record that only including two Jess moments on this list is actually me showing restraint, as I could’ve easily put him in all five spots.

5. “I will never leave.”

4. “I demand to go first.”

3. “Okay. I have to go take care of something then.”

2. “Will you just stand still?

1. The single greatest thing to have ever happened on this show.


There are three truths about the Gilmore Girls to me, and they are this: Richard and Emily are fantastic grandparents and delightfully ruthless human beings, this show was at its strongest before Rory went to college, and Rory Gilmore belongs with Jess Mariano. I waffled a bit on the #5 pick, wanting to inject a little bit of Paris into my list, but it turns out my love of Paris is the sum of all her moments and trying to find any one moment for her is really, really difficult, as many of her big moments require a lot of backstory and context (for instance, her meltdown about college acceptance or her barging into Rory’s house to overanalyze her first sexual encounter). So I tip my hat to you, Paris Geller, but you didn’t make the cut.

5) Richard and Emily find out Rory’s going to Yale

4) Emily vs. Shira Huntzberger

3) Rory’s graduation

2) Rory kisses Jess at the wedding

1) Jess drops a truth bomb on Rory Gilmore

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